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Tequila Shots, Phone Texts, and Car Wrecks

By Ben Ajayi

Happy Cinco de Mayo! This would be the part we’d usually remind you to party responsibly, but we have a cautionary tale to tell instead. 

Meet Paul, a regular at a bar who finally plucks up the courage to talk to a woman he likes after a few too many tequila shots. They exchange numbers, but with the price of top-shelf tequila being too expensive these days, Paul decides it’s best for his wallet to go home. Paul is not in a condition to drive, but he ignores his better judgment and gets behind the wheel anyway.

As he's driving out of the parking lot, Paul receives a text message from the woman he just met. Excited to respond, he takes his eyes off the road, and BAM! He crashes into another car. The bar crowd comes out to see what happened, including the woman he just met. Needless to say, Paul never hears from her again because who wants to date an irresponsible driver, right?

Unfortunately for Paul, he thought he couldn't afford his tequila expenses and paying for insurance, which left him without coverage during the incident. This meant he had to pay for all the damages and got hit with a huge fine for driving without insurance. If only Paul knew that A-MAX offers coverage that fit his needs at affordable prices, he could have saved himself a lot of trouble.

So the moral of the story is simple - don't be like Paul. Enjoy Cinco de Mayo responsibly, and make sure you're covered by A-MAX just in case. Because as much as we love tequila and having a good time, nothing is worth risking your life or the lives of others on the road. Cheers to a fun and safe Cinco de Mayo!

For more information on services you can utilize when you are unable to drive click here

SR-22 - Financial Responsibility Insurance Certificate

We hope you'll never need an SR-22 certificate, but A-MAX Auto Insurance does offer this as a solution in case your drivers license status changes. An SR-22 is required for high-risk drivers with traffic violations (like a DUI).

Please keep in mind that an SR-22 costs more than regular insurance, which you are required to use for three years after your violation. On top of risking your life, you will be paying for your bad decisions for multiple years.

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